Co-Create: Partnerships and Sponsorships Matter


Partnerships and Sponsorships have become a popular way for independent artists to stand out in the over-crowded industry. Finding a small business, charity organization, or another fellow artisan to work together with is a not only a great marketing strategy for you as an artist, but it also helps fellow independent business owners as well.

Now you may be thinking, “I’m an independent artist… Coke or Pepsi won’t sponsor me…” Well my motto is it never hurts to ask! There are so many brands that would love to partner with great indie talent, but if the big guys won’t pick you up there are a wealth of small business owners who want to start a partnership but they don’t know how to ask! You don’t have to be sponsored by or partner with a huge cooperation to make a little extra money. Here are some new ideas and a different spin on some old ideas to get you started! But there are countless opportunities, so Get creative!


Etsy is full of unique potential merch. Partnering with an etsy shop owner generates more money for both parties. The shop owner gets more exposure for their products, and you get cool merch to sell to fans!


Find a cause that you are passionate about and make a commitment to donate some of your proceeds to that charity! This is a great way to get the word out to fans on how they can help resolve a problem in our world. Some Charities offer merchandise made by single mothers, struggling families in third world countries, and sex trafficking victims. This would be a great thing to add to a merch table and help struggling people on their path to living a better life.

Some examples:

  • Project Have Hope
  • Mali Designs
  • Kwagala Project

Small Businesses:

Ask a small business to host some of your concerts. If you love coffee, partner with a local coffee shop. Are you a foodie? Ask your local bar to put together a showcase with you as a headliner!

There are countless opportunities, you just can’t be afraid to ask!

Here are some articles to help you put together a plan to ask businesses for sponsorships



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